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Showing posts with label Invisible Hand. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Invisible Hand. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Maiden Speech as Area Director: Priorities in Toastmasters Journey

The Invisible Hand Theory by Adam Smith, Wealth of Nation, 1776. “People who intend only to seek their own benefit are led by Invisible Hand to serve public interest which was no part of their intention.”

I come into business of market research with the intention of making more money for myself and family. I was not so much about growing the industry. But my research work led to better practice among my clients to better serve the public. That’s a classic example of Invisible Hand theory in action.


When we ask our members, why you join Toastmasters, the typical answers are “I want to be a better leader” and “I want to learn to speak better.” My question is: For who? For what purpose? What do you gain out of by being better leader and public speaker?

In Toastmasters, we are guided by the motto “Where leaders are made”. Our values are Respect, Integrity, Service and Excellence. Why do we uphold the motto and the values of Toastmasters? For who? For what purpose?

As I continue in my Toastmasters journey, I realized that I join this community for the purpose of having a better life. Because I experienced progress in life through Toastmasters, thus, I stay. I stay because I see the value of Toastmasters in my life.

Isn’t that the same for everyone? Some of us believe that by becoming a better leader in Toastmasters, we can get promotion in our job and, have a better life. Those who under our leadership benefited from our effectiveness. By becoming a better orator, we can communicate better to achieve our life objectives. People whom we communicated to can understand our message and acted for common benefits. Again, this is a classic example of Invisible Hand theory in action. We are driven by our self-interests when we join Toastmasters, yet people around us benefited from our growth.

I had the privilege of knowing a very successful businessman from Rotary Club. He is very passionate in Rotary activities, and he shared with me how he prioritises activities in his life:

  • First: Self
  • Second: Family
  • Third: Business/Career
  •  Fourth: Rotary

I think it is the same for our Toastmasters journey. Our personal well-being should be top priority, so that we can function effectively as individual. Family is the one who will accompany us in our life journey, they should be well taken care of. Our business/career is the one that affirms our value in society and providing for ourselves and family. 

Our participation in Toastmasters should support our personal growth, family well being and improve our livelihood in business/career.  It should not jeopardize our well-being, family relationship and development of our business/career. Remember, our ultimate purpose of joining Toastmasters is to towards betterment of our life.

I would like to end my speech with a specific message to Mr President. Under leadership handbook, there is a list of tasks that you need to perform. But the most important responsibility is to make quality decision for your personal growth so that you can serve better as Club President.  Make every single President speech count. Gain personal clarity, skills and emotional fitness. Inspire others to work with you. Adapting words of Apostle Paul to Timothy: "Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example as Leader in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in character." 1 Timothy 4:12

I look forward to opening up a new chapter of my Toastmasters journey with PJTMC. May we become light and blessing for others.