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Showing posts with label table topics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label table topics. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Table Topic: Choose - A Dog or A Cat

Choose: A Dog or A Cat

It is a no brainer choice for me. I will definitely go for a dog.

I had a dog during my primary school days. Her name was Nancy. Actually I didn't like her, and I always bully her. Because I felt that she got more attention from my Dad, and I was the one being neglected. So, during my dad's absence, I will apply some medicated oil on her nose. That irritated her a lot. Nevertheless, she was a very loyal dog. She died when I was in Form 2. I still remembered the day when I bury her in the front yard of my house then.

Years went by. I met my sweetheart at university. She had a dog. Her dog's name was Bibi. The first time when I met him (her dog), he was absolutely hostile to me. But in order for me to get closer to my ex-girlfriend now wife, I had to get close to her dog. I had to "bribe" him with food, snacks and stroll at park. He was instrumental in providing emotional support to my wife. When I eldest son was born, I address him as "Grandpa Bibi". He passed away a week after my son eldest son full moon celebration.

To my wife, she will not want to go through the emotional turmoil of losing a pet dog again. But if I were to choose, the choice is clear. I will choose a dog again. There is no doubt about it.

Received the Best Table Topic Speaker ribbon from Kao Neng Yong, Incoming President of Siemens Malaysia Toastmasters Club.

Grandpa Bibi with a month old Matthew

Table Topic, Siemens Toastmasters Club, 28 May 2019

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Table Topic: What Are You Grateful For Today

"Common, ladies and gentleman. We are late for class."

"Daddy, can we cycle to school today?"

"We are going to be late though...."


Reluctantly, I took out bicycle and scooter for Big Bro and Big Sis. As we reached the school, the teacher greeted us and said: "Say goodbye to Daddy".

I'm grateful that I'm able to be part of their growing up. At the same time, there is a sense of untold emptiness in one corner of my heart, as my kids rely on me less as they grow up.

Today I'm grateful that I had a simple breakfast with my wife. Instead of our normal conversation revolving around household operation, we rekindle on the time of our kids when before they attended school. We give thanks as they grew up healthily and happily, full of His grace. Indeed, they are gift from above.

We give thanks for we are entrusted with another soul that will join our family in a month's time. It is a responsibility that comes with endless joy and love.

We give thanks for we are blessed despite all the challenges in life.

11 April 2019, D'Utama Advanced Toastmasters Club

Monday, June 24, 2019

Table Topic: I'm Who I'm; You Are Who You Are

I'm Who I'm 

I'm who I'm because of my experience on the brink of depressions, I felt so clueless and helpless that I couldn't see the path in future.
I'm who I'm because I'm survivor of domestic violence. I know the extend of pain and that lurking dark shadows in my heart that refuse go away
I'm who I'm because I made a choice to be better person, not because I'm a perfect man.
I'm who I'm because of the people around me, who gave me a hand when I needed most, who chose to believe in me.
I'm who I'm because of my children who give me faith, hope and love, and allow me to become their father.
I'm who I'm because I have a dream. A dream of better life. A dream of my descendants will flourish on the foundations that I had build. A dream of strength, fortitude and abundance of life.

Fellow Toastmasters,

It is a fact that each one of us here have a past. A past that is hurting us. A past that is haunting us. A past that keep us in our own mind, an invisible prison. But we all have a choice. And we, can make that choice to be who we really are. I'm who I'm because of my choices and the blessings bestowed on me.

You Are Who You Are

We all live in a society that subjected to standards, perceptions and expectations of others. Buy that car to show how successful you are, buy that bra so that you attract good man, get straight As so that our parents can be proud, study that course so that you can earn more money.

But all these standards, perceptions and expectations shapes us, to the extend we lost our true self. We made choices not because who we are, but to please others. We gave up our power in exchange acceptance of others. The cost is high - we ended up feeling unworthy, trapped and worse - we lost our self identity.

Fellow Toastmaster,

You are who you are because of your choices, not because of others standards, perceptions and expectations.
You are who you are because you are being loved, just the way you are.
You are who you are because you are worthy for a abundance of life, if you choose so.
You are who you are because you can impart lessons from your past failure, helping others to shorten their learning curve and making our society a better place.
you are who you are because you can make choices on your future, not defined by your past.

You are who you are because you have the power to make choices.

24 May 2019, Apple Mentors Toastmasters Club, Table Topic Immersive Training

Friday, June 21, 2019

Table Topics: Epitome of Success

The Disney animation, Moana, had a very special place in my heart. 

It was the first movie that I watched my eldest son Matthew, just before he went to pre-school class. I knew I started to lose him, as he will be less reliant on me as he grows up. So, I wanted to make that moment special for both of us. 

There was a scene, Grandma Taala's spirit appeared when Moana was at her lowest point of the journey and started to doubt herself. And Grandma Taala sang the most memorable line:

The people you love will change you
The things that you have learned will guide you
Nothing on earth can silence the quiet voice still inside you
And that voice starts to whisper
"Moana, you have come so far. Moana, listen.
Do you know who you are?".

I aspire to be like her. To me, she  is the epitome of a great life coach. She is instrumental in guiding Moana to her destiny and delivered her people from the wrath of Te Ka. And it is my dream to guide my descendants to their ultimate purpose and fullest potential, deliver them from our generational curse. That, to me, is the epitome of success.

Image result for grandma tala moana

22 January 2019, Friendship Toastmasters Club