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Showing posts with label Presidential Speech. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Presidential Speech. Show all posts

Friday, June 18, 2021

Presidential Speech 16: Part of the Journey is the End

In 1997, I was appointed as Staff Sergeant for Red Crescent Society. I was from an all-boy high school. I wanted to do something different as new leader. I happened to know a few beautiful Red Crescent girls from another all-girl school who attended same tuition class. Driven by alpha male hormone, I mooted a crazy idea that was never done before in the history of both schools: Joint ‘leadership’ camp. Upon hearing my ideas, teachers were frown with huge disagreement, but novelty triumphed with roaring support from members. 

The camp went well. Anything that could go wrong, went wrong. Logistics arrangement was a nightmare. Disagreements was routine in every single committee meeting. Internal fighting due to puppy love jealousy. Injuries during the camp. But it was a blessing in disguise with many great learnings.

I certainly enjoyed my role as President of this club. I strive to create beautifully crafted, borderline disobedience experience for my club members. Because I know, deep down, each of you are screaming silently: “I do not want just another Toastmaster meeting. It is boring”.  Same as what I did in high school. My Red Crescent Society members want an extraordinary experience, not just another Saturday practice.

Throughout these 12 months, we had 8 crazy physical meetings. We had four joint meetings with vibrantly youthful clubs. Speech marathons, Table Topic Marathons, heart-warming and thrilling speech contests. Working with President who likes to abuse his power can be nerve wrecking and extreme aggravation.  He broke the rules of no sex, religion and politics topics, and encourage others to do the same. Common, leadership IS politics. Stupid and lewd jokes, Playboy costume, drawing parallel of sex and sales over Exco Whatsapp group. Oh ya, not to forget those absolutely time-wasting Exco meetings, many thanks to the Club President. You are welcome.

Like all wonderful things in life, it must come to an end. Tonight, is the End Game.  Part of the journey is the end.

By many standards, I am definitely not a good leader, many thanks to my defiance to establishment set to “protect” us. Club members should be thankful to have this genius, billionaire, philanthropist and playdad as your Club President. I would like to share 3 secret methods I used during my term.

“If you want to lead, invest at least 40% of your time in leading yourself.” – Dee Hock, founder of VISA.

The concept is called “Self-Leadership.” There are 3 methods in Self Leadership: Self-Awareness, Self-Reflection, and Self-Regulation.

The first strategy of self-leadership is self-awareness. When we become a leader, it is crucial to be self-aware of ourselves. Yet it is getting more and more difficult. Any of you ever been in leadership position ever try to ask for feedback? Hey, team, do you have some feedback? Very often what we encounter is silence. Oh, maybe if we were lucky, we may get feedback like “You are brilliant, but everything is fine.”

In absence of external feedback, one of the things that every leader can do is to check that for themselves. One of the tools that I have is what I call character traits check. Ask ourselves: Who was the worst leader that you ever had? Think: What did he or she do that you to be a worst leader? Did he or she yell, or did he steal credits but push away blame to their followers? When I did this exercise, I reflected back to one of my ex-bosses nicknamed Everybody Can Fly Kite. Steal credit and hide behind title. What an @$$h0le.

Here is the trick. Give yourself a score of 1 to 5 for yourself how good are you, for examples at giving or stealing credits, and how bad are you at this one. For me, I not particularly good at giving credits. So, what is my plan to move that up to become exceptionally good at giving credit? Because when we find things awfully bad in others, often resonate also with ourselves.

Yet, over time, our self-awareness maybe drowned by meaningless routine. This is when the second tool, when used daily, can be of great help.

The second tool is self-reflection. Taking just a couple of minutes during the day and thinking about the challenges we are facing or about to face that day. My favourite time is my gym time with Disney channel, watching my own stellar performance how I defeat Loki, Ultron and Thanos in Avengers series. Some of my favourite questions were: how did my leadership go yesterday? How would the leader I would like to be, and face the challenges that I am about to face today? Just one or 2 minutes of those can help to raise your compassion level as well as for others.

The last one is self-regulation. You have done your awareness and reflection. But you will still encounter the moment where people come in and say “Yes, I will do everything and I have everything ready”, and we say “Let’s talk about it.” “Let’s talk what?” “The article you said was ready.” Just like Captain America Steve Roger who said we will win, yet we lost miserably in Infinity War. Crap. You will wish to shove down their throat with these words:  Stop doing this, do what I told you now! This is not the best leadership but how do we do best do that self-regulation.

One tool that helped me enormously is called reframing. Whenever you feel you have this urge trying to strangle someone to get things done, stop. Ask yourself 1 – 2 seconds. On the scale from 1 to 10, how important is that issue right now? With 10 really my life goes, I will die if this is not done, so to speak. If it is a 10 you better fully engage in it. But often, it is a 2 or 3. With reframing, taking a step back can help you enormously and addressing the situation.

These are small strategies, food for thoughts, but what I would encourage you is to think about this when you have leadership position. Invest time in self-awareness, self-reflection, and self-regulation before you go out and lead others. Because very often you hear about leadership like “People want to lead others. But why not start by leading yourself?”

Back to my high school camp story. The camp went well. Anything that could go wrong, went wrong.  Many scandals resulted from this joint camp. Some went on dating. Some became best friends. Some even become husband and wife. It became sweet, long lasting memories for everyone of us. I told them to grow and blossom. But in sheer disobedience, they went on to be fruitful and multiple. Beautiful memories of disobedience, rather than dull moments of compliance. It was driven by my wants. I stirred emotions of members yet created ripple effects that I never thought possible. Law of Precession is at work, for the best benefits of all of us.

I see the upcoming term is way more challenging. Infinity War of COVID-19 will continue to rage. The challenge of engaging club members without physical meeting will continue. But I have full confidence to incoming President, Geok Ean and her Exco team. For she had demonstrated her traits as a great leader. She is definitely not the play-dumb-to-find-husband (“buat bodoh-bodoh cari jodoh”) leader.

Ok, enough of these stupid jokes. Time to End Game, as part of the journey is the end. Reflecting back, I wish I could do more, yet time has come for me to pass on the gavel.

By the authority of Toastmasters International vested in me, mandate given as outgoing club President, knowing deeply that part of the journey is the end, I hereby passing the gavel to our President Tan Geok Ean for the term 2021/2022.

Signing off,

Alan Oh

President of Friendship TMC
Term 2020/2021
Genius, Billionaire, Philanthropist, PlayDad
aka IronDad

15 June 2021, 10.11pm.


Presidential Speech 04: Be Bravely You

Presidential Speech 05: Road to Mastery

Presidential Speech 07: Clarity Leads to Power

Presidential Speech 08: My Fear vs My Commitment

Presidential Note: The Thistle and The Oak Tree

Speech Marathon: Goodbye, and Welcome

Presidential Note: Goodbye 2020, Welcome 2021 (Part 1)

Presidential Note: Goodbye 2020, Welcome 2021 (Part 2)

Presidential Speech 10: Bloom with Grace

Presidential Speech 11: Orbit in Love

Presidential Speech 13: Sweet Friendship Refreshes The Soul

Presidential Speech 14: Hustle While Young

Presidential Speech 15: Something Else is About to Begin

Presidential Speech 15: Something Else is About to Begin

 “Part of the journey is the end” – Tony Stark, aka Ironman, in Avengers End Game, 2018.

It all begins with a shared journey, a desire, a purpose of wanting to Grow and Blossom in this term. At the same time, we are committed to safeguard this little sanctuary with our values of Respect, Integrity, Sentient and Enjoyable.

As I mentioned in my first speech as Club President: “There is no point in getting Distinguished Club Points (DCPs) if our members are not growing personally. Our club performance should be measured by its members’ success in life”.  I am proud and privileged to witness some of the most profound personal growth in our club during this term.

As of 24 May 2021, we had achieved 8 DCPs. I am proud to inform that we achieve 150% for our education goal (18 out of 12 goals). As for Club Officers’ training, we achieved 163% of our target (13 out of 8 goals). I am extremely delighted by this achievement, as it is a strong testament our members hold on to our club vision and values. We overachieved it for the sake of our life successes. As additional feather in our cap, we received Super Seven Award from District. We won the Best Blog Entry of District 102 in December 2020! Despite COVID-10 chaos, we attracted 3 new members: Su Ling, Sam and Ying Hui, who shared our values and decided to onboard this great Friend-ship.

Even though we have 8 DCPs to be at least Select Distinguished Club, the bad news is we are not qualified for any DCP awards as of date. We have not met the minimum requirement of 20 members to qualify. To date, we have 15 active members. I inherited a base of 21 members at the beginning of the term. However, under my leadership, 8 members decided not to renew during the term. That is staggering one-third of our total membership.

I can conveniently pass blame to pandemic or said: “It is their choice. I can’t do anything.” But the truth is: I failed to convince and demonstrate to them FTMC is the platform for personal growth and retain base membership. Members choose to leave this platform, as I have not demonstrated and clearly communicate the values and club vision to them.

I realized I spend much time engaging with the EXCO team, and I have neglected other club members. My assumption of “Exco first, the club will grow itself” was proven gravely wrong. Effort to increase participation of members left much to be desired. While having an eloquent Presidential speech is great, leadership is taking responsibility for the people around us. It is about taking care the people to the left and to the right of us. The highlight should be always on the club members, not on the President.

To my dear members, I apologize for unable to win any award for the club. Under my leadership, we were unqualified. As the President of FTMC, this responsibility of failure is mine, and is mine alone.

I would like to express my utmost gratitude to my dedicated Exco team. I may be ill-qualified to be Club President, yet I was blessed with the best team I had ever worked with. Your sufferings to my stupid jokes are coming to an end. Special gratitude to our IPP Claire and Club Advisor, Lay Theng. Not to forget our Area Director, Clement Chew, whom I have serious love-hate relationship with. They are my beacons in course of dispensing my duty as President.

The Infinity War of COVID-19 is indeed chaotic, heart-wrenching, and lethargic. Time has come for the current Exco team to End Game. To quote Joybell C: “Ends are not bad things, they just mean that something else is about to begin.”

Finally, I see the finish line. I look forward to embarking on the new chapter of Friend-ship story. I love you all x2,998.

By the authority of Toastmasters International vested in me, mandate entrusted as outgoing Club President, knowing deeply part of the journey is the end, I hereby passing the gavel to incoming club President for next term.


Presidential Speech 04: Be Bravely You

Presidential Speech 05: Road to Mastery

Presidential Speech 07: Clarity Leads to Power

Presidential Speech 08: My Fear vs My Commitment

Presidential Note: The Thistle and The Oak Tree

Speech Marathon: Goodbye, and Welcome

Presidential Note: Goodbye 2020, Welcome 2021 (Part 1)

Presidential Note: Goodbye 2020, Welcome 2021 (Part 2)

Presidential Speech 10: Bloom with Grace

Presidential Speech 11: Orbit in Love

Presidential Speech 13: Sweet Friendship Refreshes The Soul

Presidential Speech 14: Hustle While Young

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Presidential Speech 14: Hustle While Young

 I have two greatest regrets in my life: The first – I did not tell my Mum that I am sorry and I am extremely proud of her before she passed away. The second – I wasted my golden 10 years of twenties in indulging in my self-worth-less-ness and blaming-everyone-in-the-world except myself.

To be honest, I still do not understand why the members chose me as President of this great Friend-ship. Perhaps, I was driven by these life regrets. When I took over, I set the theme of the year: Grow and Blossom. Now, here is the truth behind this theme. It was a reminder to myself. The real personal meaning behind it is “Alan, Grow up and Blossom to be real man. Make your mother proud. Make back the time you had lost.”

I spend my time on having lofty dreams of being a great investor like Warren Buffett when I was in twenties. I squandered my precious emotional energy dwelling in my past. I throw away my life dissipating into endless hours of video games and complain on Malaysian politics, just to feel better and ‘smarter’. I knew about Toastmasters when I was 25 years old. I attended one of the meeting, and I found it “complete waste of time.”

Because I was in my twenties, and I will be twenties for the rest of my life, I should enjoy life, not working until I forget what it is like to be young. When I was asked then “What do you do?” I wanted to give answers that astound and garner respect. I was supposed to be enviable, established, and impressive. Talk about ego that burgeoned my life horizon.

As I am in my twenties as I speak, I am forced to come face to face with my inadequacies. Having years of working experience and graduating from college is not enough anymore. I supposed to have good jobs, life goals and career that leave my parents proud and earning envious looks from my friends. I supposed to be months, maybe weeks away from making the first million, or at least a name for myself. If only I had a golden spoon in my mouth. There is no need for me to take the bull by the horn.  Maybe.

As I am in my twenties as I speak, I find time is our most precious resource. We can learn skills that can propel us to our dream life. We can build network with people that add values to our life. We have fewer responsibilities. We do not have kids coming to us while we are having a conference call at home. We have the freedom to fail fast, fail hard and move forward, faster. When we are in twenties, we are raging with hormone and utopia dreams, that we are bolder and more creative. Precisely because of our youth, we can hustle while young, bet on the wrong horses and learn more than the likes of Uncle Alan Oh, who thought he is the peak of mountain.

As I’m in my twenties, I come to realization making time to invest in ourselves is hard. The money and time we have are competing between immediate vs delayed gratification. We are programed to view our life is full and busy. That programming, led me to think “Toastmasters is a complete waste of time.” That programming led me to think I had a golden spoon in my mouth. That programming leads you to limit your own growth by refusing opportunities to expand your abilities.

I fully realized that I can no longer hustle in my twenties. I wasted my gift. We are in the year of 2021, not 2001. Hustle while young, my friends. I deeply admire our General Evaluator tonight, Shane Chooi, for he is the shining example of hustling while young. The hustle brings the change. The hustle experience burgeons valuable knowledge. The hustle persistence begets success. Hustle while young.

We are having our AGM on our next meeting. I do not want to paint a picture that being in club leadership role is a bed of roses. It is not. Even roses come with thorns. I do not want to mislead you that being Club President or being part of Exco is an easy job. It is not. But I would like to invite you to think of what you could build for your future self through this leadership opportunity. There is price for this – you must decide to let go of the program: my life is full and busy. And I assure you, you will discover your better self that you wish you knew earlier. That better you, the future you always wished for. Hustle for yourself. Hustle while young.

By the authority of Toastmasters International vested in me, mandate given as club President, guided by the opportunity to hustle while young, I hereby declare our meeting officially starts.

Photo by Avi Richards on Unsplash

Presidential Speech 04: Be Bravely You

Presidential Speech 05: Road to Mastery

Presidential Speech 07: Clarity Leads to Power

Presidential Speech 08: My Fear vs My Commitment

Presidential Note: The Thistle and The Oak Tree

Speech Marathon: Goodbye, and Welcome

Presidential Note: Goodbye 2020, Welcome 2021 (Part 1)

Presidential Note: Goodbye 2020, Welcome 2021 (Part 2)

Presidential Speech 10: Bloom with Grace

Presidential Speech 11: Orbit in Love

Presidential Speech 13: Sweet Friendship Refreshes The Soul

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Presidential Speech 13: Sweet Friendship Refreshes The Soul

 Welcome fellow members of Friendship TMC and beloved guests. 


Today, we are celebrating 1 year anniversary of Movement Control Order. I wasn’t sure what goes into my mind then, I took up the role as Club President on 7 July 2021. I was the youngest Club member then. To be honest, I have absolutely no idea how to lead in this period of pandemic. To make the matter worse, the lockdown had cost me my mental health and made me doubted my own values. I still do, even up to today.


 The family members of Friendship TMC know this: President Alan Oh has a personal blog, dedicated specifically to his speeches and writings in his Toastmasters journey. It was not really a sexy blog, as he is not very well versed in blog management. It is more of for him to keep a record of his emotional journey as a Toastmaster. Call it a speech diary, if you will.


I still remember my first Presidential speech title: “Grow and Blossom”. Our goal for this term was “Better than Yesterday.” It was inspired by Keny Tai, our veteran club member. Quoting Mulan 1998, “The flower that blooms in adversity is the most rare and beautiful of all.”


Ever since then, I tried many genres of speeches. From stage hypnotherapy  “Begin with the End in Mind”, theatrical performance on Dracula, a historical horror speech title “The Shadow Impaler”, melancholic reflection on “Who Am I”, self-rebuke “My Commitment versus My Fear”. Not to forget the post resurrection speech “Goodbye, and Welcome.” Honestly, I would not deliver these speeches in other Clubs. I feel safe here.  


I take pride in every of my speech delivery. Because I know, every time I speak, something profound will change in me. Every time I write my speech, I become more aware of my emotions and my thought process. Every time I deliver my speech, I get to know myself better. Speech writing and delivery became a self-therapy process. It was introspective and liberating. Thank you so much, beloved members and guests, for you are such a wonderful audience and friend. For that, I am very grateful.


The Law of Precession continues to work. The ripple effects of blogging continued.  For years, Friendship TMC have a unique, unspoken sense of camaraderie among the members, which is hard to describe. It is a special tacit, undocumented knowledge of this club that builds its DNA. This blog becomes a documented, explicit knowledge of our club culture. It becomes a building block for expression of our Club vision and values.


Our Club motto is simple: Friends helping friends to succeed.


In this Club, we want our Family Members attained life successes with strong interpersonal communication and life leadership skills. They will be supported by meaningful, extraordinary Friendship throughout their Toastmaster journey.


In this Club, we appreciate the similarities and respect the differences among our Family Members. With this, each one of us can, and will commit to grow and learn about ourselves, helping other Family Members to do the same.


In this Club, we seek first to understand, then be understood. Here we are, create lasting, meaningful memories and taking delights in our Toastmasters journey.


In this Club, we RISE to our values: – Respect, Integrity, Sentient and Enjoyable.


Because of whom we are, we attracted new members, Su Ling and Sam, who shared our values despite pandemic challenge. Our Exco team is very committed to growth and serve this club. we not only achieved our DCP points on club officer training, and also received the Super Seven award from District. Oh ya, District 102 the best Blog entry award in December 2020. As a bonus and result, we are very well on our way to President Distinguished Club Award, even though DCP is not my focus at all.


I am very privileged and honoured to witness our Club members' life growth. They became so much “Better Than Yesterday”, proven by their speech and performance in Club contest and last meeting.


Our IPP, Claire, and Ying Hui, shared some of their deepest emotions with us in the last meeting. William courageously attempts a humorous speech, despite he kept labelling himself as “absolutely non-humorous” member. Kai, proven himself as an effective Club contest organizer, despite he told me: “I have nothing proud of sharing.” Le Anne went all out in contest, challenging status quo with her emotional speech.


Someone labelled Sam as “weak in presentation and communication.” If I were to meet that person again, I will tell him off: “You try to represent our Club in Table Topic contest.” This is not Air Asia, not everybody can fly. Not to forget Vivian, who did not have the intent to renew her membership last year, stood up and deliver her speech on organ donation with much poise and grace. Vivian, great to have you in this Club. Ya Brian and Geok Ean, I look forward to your uplevel performance tonight.


All these cannot happen without our family members who choose to uphold our RISE values (Respect, Integrity, Sentient, Enjoyable). Indeed, a sweet friendship refreshes the soul. Because of this Friendship, I learn much about myself. Because of this Friendship, I was privilege to witness the growth of our Club members. Because of this Friendship, we experience life successes through this meaningful and extraordinary friendship. Indeed, friends helping friends to succeed.


By the authority of Toastmasters International vested in me, mandate given by club members as President, having sweet friendship refreshes our souls, I declare our meeting officially starts.

Timon Studler on Unsplash

Presidential Speech 04: Be Bravely You

Presidential Speech 05: Road to Mastery

Presidential Speech 07: Clarity Leads to Power

Presidential Speech 08: My Fear vs My Commitment

Presidential Note: The Thistle and The Oak Tree

Speech Marathon: Goodbye, and Welcome

Presidential Note: Goodbye 2020, Welcome 2021 (Part 1)

Presidential Note: Goodbye 2020, Welcome 2021 (Part 2)

Presidential Speech 10: Bloom with Grace

Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Presidential Speech 11: Orbit in Love

Love can't be described.
It has no shape, it has no form.
Love is not an object.
Love does not conform.

Love enters our lives
The moment we are in womb.
From the cradle to the grave,
Love's in everyone.

Love can leave you empty,
Love can make you whole.
Love can make or break you,
Love is in your soul.

Love is all around you.
It is everywhere.
Love's a gift from God
To be shared amongst us all.

(Adapted from: A Gift from God by John P. Read)

Welcome fellow members of Friendship TMC and beloved guests. Time flies. Here we are today, 2 February 2021. It is a month of celebration courtly love. Across many places in the globe, candy, flowers and gifts are exchanged between lovers, who are, falling in love to each other. 

Ya, falling in love to each other. Have anyone of you fall in love before? Common, don’t be shy. There is nothing wrong about it. How does that feel? Do you like the feeling? Why is that so? How were you after all these feelings of “adoration”, “sweeping me off the ground”, “senseless urge to get married and make babies” were over?

The phrase “falling in love” in an accurate statement for many, including myself. When we fall, we lose momentum and cease movement, stopping individual and mutual expansion. We dreamily tumble, intoxicated by euphoria. Before we know it, we are picking ourselves back up, trying to recover the pieces of our motionless self. 

I still remember there was a girl whom I fall over heels to her, became obsessively insane about her. I launched a massive courtship strategic and tactical project, with intention of having her as my partner. I failed spectacularly. I confessed to her. Her reply was cricket sound. That was the worst reply. There was no closure. I was “friendzoned”. 

Many years later, I realized the truth: I fall out of love because I fell in love with who I thought she was, not who she really is. We never love each other, purely one-sided chemistry attraction driven by raging alpha male hormones. That realization gave me the best feeling in the world: falling out of love with someone who never loved me. It was liberating, to say the least. 

Life went on after I was “friendzoned.” Because of coursework, I had to work in group with other coursemates. There was this lady -  soft spoken, gentle and highly intelligent was among us in the group. We got close because of the projects. We somehow got attracted to one another. It was like slow stream, flowing into river.

On 7 December 2002, at 2nd floor of McDonald  Api-Api Center in Kota Kinabalu, we had a heart-to-heart talk. “If we trust this feeling of attraction, let us give ourselves a chance to try.” Since then, we are working on "this chance" for the past 19 years. We had countless ups and downs in our days, we choose to work together. We are blessed with three kids, and we will make this relationship work till the end of time. 

Buckminster Fuller developed the concept of Orbiting in Love. Rather than falling, he suggests orbiting, where each individual comprising a pair rotates on their own axis, while orbiting the other. It is like the Earth and her Moon, the planets of our solar system around the Sun.

They do not need to be each other’s “better half” or “complete each other,” because each one is a whole person, all on their own. They create synergy with the equation 1+1=3, something bigger than the two of them together. There is freedom to learn and freedom to teach from one another. 

I’m still trying to appreciate this relationship principal. While many of my attempts failed, the handful successful applications of this principle had paid very handsome dividends, which is  immeasurable by monetary gain. We grow as individual and as partner. I will continue to learn and apply this principal in any relationship. 

For those who are single, continue to invest in yourself to be a whole person, all on your own. For those who are committed, do consider choosing to orbit in love together.  When we are whole and complete (with our unique personalities, strengths and weaknesses), we can and able to orbit in love, expand and grow with those who choose to orbit with us. Perhaps, that is the most successful principal in any relationship.

By the authority of Toastmasters International vested in me, mandate given by club members as President, decision to orbit in love as a complete and whole individual in this club, I hereby declare our meeting officially starts.

Photo by Matt Nelson on Unsplash

Presidential Speech 04: Be Bravely You

Presidential Speech 05: Road to Mastery

Presidential Speech 07: Clarity Leads to Power

Presidential Speech 08: My Fear vs My Commitment

Presidential Note: The Thistle and The Oak Tree

Speech Marathon: Goodbye, and Welcome

Presidential Note: Goodbye 2020, Welcome 2021 (Part 1)

Presidential Note: Goodbye 2020, Welcome 2021 (Part 2)

Presidential Speech 10: Bloom with Grace

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Presidential Speech 09: Ten Thousand Steps

Hi December! Time flies. 

2020 is not an easy year for me. The Lockdown had drained much of my financial and emotional capacity, coupled with unprecedented family and business challenges. 

I spoke to my life coach, Mr. Tan Ngyuen. He is a wise businessman whom I never met in person, living in Australia. I shared with him my challenges. I begun to put on weight. Doubts, anger, frustration and sense of lost caught up with me. 

He asked me: " How can you take care of yourself first? What is the one thing that you can do to make you feel good?"

"Ten thousand steps each day." I answered.

Two weeks later, I failed miserably. Not even 50% of the target. 

"I don't have enough time. There is too much hassle going to gym. This is monsoon season. The road is wet. I need to prepare my kids in the morning." More and more issues flashed out as we discussed. 

"What can you do to make it work, so that you can feel better?" He asked.

Something dawned to me. The biggest illusion I have in life is believing I am missing resources. Resources is never the real problem. The real problem is lack of resourcefulness. 

He reminded me a quote from Tony Robbins, "It is human emotions that got us resourceful." Whether we are resourceful or not is based on habit of emotions that we used most often. Are the emotions I used most often were negative in nature: Anger, frustration, bored, disappointment, distrust? Or the emotions are more positive e.g. courageous, playfulness, interesting, curious, loving? Where do I spend more of my time? The answer was clear. I was caught in the former negative loop of emotions. 

I needed to get results with new actions. It is evident I was not getting results with my old patterns. I get a treadmill at home. I cancelled my gym membership. Ten thousand steps were broken into several sessions. I merged my learning time with my running time. The new routine had made me feel energized, accomplished and rooted emotionally. I shaved off 1.5kg in 2 weeks by not missing ten thousand steps each day. 

Two weeks later, I updated my coach with pride. He asked me another question: "What have you learned from ten thousand steps routine?"

"Determination. Break it down into small steps. Get it done regardless how you do it. Be clear on your goals. Break the routine to find new ways."

"So, which aspects of you life you can apply these lessons?"

"Health, family business and pursuing my own dream."

"How would you feel if you were to apply all these lessons into your life?"

"Rooted, purposeful and self-worthiness."

"You now have the foretaste of success. Remember these feelings and continue to apply these lessons. You have all the resources to overcome the challenges you are facing now." 

Indeed, Oprah Winfrey once said: "A mentor is someone who allows you to see the hope inside yourself." Through the simple ten thousand steps routine, Mr. Tan Ngyuen allowed me to experience the foretaste of life success. Most important of all, he proved to me that I have the emotional fitness to claim victories in life. While life probability but no guarantee, yet we can increase our chances of victory by changing our emotional state. By knowing and creating options to change your emotional states to an empowering one, that is emotional fitness. 

Thereby, with this realization on emotional fitness, I made a self-declaration, adapting the great work of Miranda Marriot: 

I choose
To live by choice, not by chance
To be motivated, not manipulated
To be useful, not used
To make changes, not excuses
To excel, not compete

I choose
Self-esteem, not self-pity
I choose
To listen to my inner voice
Not random opinion of others
I choose
To do the things that you won't 
So that I can continue to do the things
that you can't.

By the authority of Toastmasters International vested in me, mandate given by club members as President, driven by the desire to build unshakeable emotional fitness in all of us here tonight, I hereby declare our meeting officially starts. 

1 December 2020
Persuasive Influence L2P3
Introduction to Toastmasters Mentoring

Presidential Speech 04: Be Bravely You

Presidential Speech 05: Road to Mastery

Presidential Speech 07: Clarity Leads to Power

Presidential Speech 08: My Fear vs My Commitment

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Presidential Speech 08: My Commitment versus My Fear

 Tonight, if you expect me to deliver a Presidential speech to you, I afraid I am going to disappoint you. I decided to be selfish. I want to deliver this speech to myself. 

Alan, are you willing to commit in building the training business you always wanted? No? I knew it!

If I ask you why you do not commit, you tell me "I am very busy." Oh ya, sometimes you gave me better reason: "Let us keep the options open." To me, those are bullshit. Utter bullshit. 

Alan, face the fact. You are a serial quitter - jumping from one project to the next. You bail on the first sign of challenge and difficulty. 

You know what is really driving your aversion to long-term commitment, Alan? It is fear. Fear, pure and simple. Your fear is debilitating you from achieving long term goals. If you want to break this cycle, then do not be an ostrich! Face your fear head on!

Here are the truths why you are not committed:

  1. You are afraid of missing out 
  2. You are afraid of accountability 
  3. You are afraid to fail
  4. You are afraid of boredom

You are afraid of missing out 

You are afraid that if you commit to one thing, you will miss out better opportunities. So you think you are clever by keeping your options wide open. You think you are playing smart by hedging your bets well. By not intentionally choosing a path, you got into where you are right now: a rat race. Truly I tell you this: You will end up going nowhere. 

My dear brother Alan, there is no escaping opportunity cost, whether you decide or not. You are holding back because of fear, now it is time to take the leap ad make a definite choice. Go back to IRONMAN training you have always wanted to finish. Build the business you always wanted. Commit to the promises that you made to others. Be a man of word!

You are afraid of accountability 

Accountability makes commitment work. But you afraid of accountability because it feels like you are sacrificing your freedom. Face it, Alan. You do not like answering to others. So, you think you can be accountable to yourself. But this rarely works by itself. You need proof? What happened to your IRONMAN training? I rest my case. 

My dear brother Alan, discipline equals freedom. Accountability is not a restraining chain. It is the fuel that will rocket you to achieve the things you really want. When you take responsibility for your actions, you have ownership over your life. Have trusted friends and partners who will speak truth to you. They will keep you rooted when you stray away from the path you set for yourself. 

You are afraid to fail

You justified yourself in not setting big goals because it felt 'arrogant'. What a false humility! The truth is you are afraid of failing. You are afraid of looking foolish to yourself and others for even trying. You and your stupid arrogant ego! No wonder you are where you are right now. Serve you right! You kept asking for moratorium relief, struggling to earn more for you family who deserved better! 

You know this. Failure is necessary part of the journey. Without failure, there can be no success. Moreover, the biggest value in setting goals is not achievement of goal itself. It is  the personal growth you will experience while pursuing big goals. Focus on the gains that you have made, rather than on gap you fall short. And you will be inspired to make new commitment. You know this, and you preach this in your Friendship Toastmaster Club. Walk your talk, brother!

You are afraid of boredom

Alan, you get bored much more easily than others. When you commit to do something long-term, it is very likely you need to do the same steps repeatedly to achieve mastery. But before you can get to mastery level, there is a huge, messy middle of challenges and boredom. And you are not prepared at all for this stage. That's why you bail from commitment at the first sign of difficulty!

My dear brother Alan, know that there will come to a point when novelty and excitement will wear off. Do anticipate and prepare for this. Go back to your "why" for committing to your long term goal. Remind yourself on the stake you lose if you quit. Remind yourself what is possible if you choose to press on. These will help you to survive the messy middle. Don't talk about 4 Path of Mastery! Get your "Why" in the first place! Otherwise you are just a hypocrite! 

When you cut through the noise of not committing, it boils down to single reason: fear. My brother Alan, learn to flex your commitment muscle, and you will learn to face your fears head on. Know the reasons why you are not committing: You are afraid of missing out, accountability, you are afraid to fail and afraid of boredom. Set high goals for yourself. And you will be well on your way to achieve them. 

It is said "Better is an open reprimand of loving correction than a love that is hidden". My brother Alan, thank you for being such a wonderful audience. I shall end my speech here. 

By the authority of Toastmasters International vested in me, mandate given by club members as president, guided by commitment leads to actions, I hereby declare our meeting officially starts. 

20 October 2020. 

Presidential Speech 04: Be Bravely You

Presidential Speech 05: Road to Mastery

Presidential Speech 07: Clarity Leads to Power

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Presidential Speech 07: Clarity Leads to Power

Our society often asked us to live through a prescription list: 

"Earn that money and you will be happy."

"Get that car and have more girls."

"Get that job and you will be successful."

We  are made believed that by following this list is the path to our happiness. If this is true, our life is nothing more than a soulless rat race. So, how do we ensure that we pursue a dream, a goal that really resonate with our soul? Maybe the answer lies in the human experience we wanted, growth we pursue and contribution we made to our world. 

CS Lewis said: "You do not have a soul. You are a soul, what you have is a body." 

If this is true, we are a soul here with human experience. I started to ask myself: What beautiful human experience that I wanted to feel in my life? I realized the most beautiful I ever experienced are falling in love, traveling to new places and cities, doing things that give me pulse of joy and happiness. 

And the next question: If I were to have those beautiful human experience, who do I need to grow into? How do I want to grow, in terms of my skills, emotional fitness and abilities? How do I want to take care of my body so that I have great energy? How do I cultivate and grow my mind so that I can enjoy all the opportunities that life can offer? This has widen my perspective on choices available to me.

"If you want to be happy, learn to make people happy", said Dalai Lama. Similarly, we believed "Friends helping friends to succeed." If I believed we are in this planet Earth together, why not help each other grow? Help each other to have beautiful experiences. How do I want to give and contribute to my family, my community and the company I started? Maybe my contribution could be a blog post that I wrote to inspire others. It could be work of art, the speech, the conversations I had that beautifies the world. Contribution is the surest way to fulfillment, as Tony Robbins said. And I find it quite true.

Now, let us put these into practice. You are given a piece of paper. As I asked you series of questions according to the column, write down the first answer that comes to your mind. For each column, we will spend about 2 mins. 

Now, the first column: What beautiful human experience that you want to experience in your life?

  • How do you want to feel when there is no one else, except yourself?
  • Think about your love life and friendship. Who do you want to wake up next to? Who do you want to be with? Who are your friends you care about and what do you do with them?
  • Think about the connection with your parents, siblings and kids. Trips that you would love to have with your family. Disneyland? Beach vacation? Sky diving? White water rafting? Visiting different countries? 
Now, let's go to the second part - Growth. Who is the person I need to evolve into to have these beautiful experiences?
  • How do I want to grow in terms of my health and fitness? Maybe running a marathon, having 6 packs like Brian, or as fit as Keny? What is your idea of health and fitness? 
  • How would I grow my intellectual and spiritual life? Maybe through the books, courses or even the people you speak to? Or maybe mediation and pilgrimage trip? 
  • What are the new skills you want to develop to help you truly live a rich life? 
Now, the final column: Contribution. If you were to have all these beautiful experiences, how are you going to contribute to others' growth? 

  • How would you contribute through your career and that progress humanity, improving livelihood of others? 
  • How can you contribute through your creative life? Through your music, writing, artwork or even YouTube channel? 
  • Think about your contribution through your family and tribes. How much time you would like to spend with your kids? How are you going to raise your kids? How will you volunteer your time, talents and skills?

This is the first draft of your life blueprint. Through consistent practice of this exercise, you give yourself a chance to design your life that is truly extraordinary with clarity. With this clarity, that leads you to great power you can ever imagine.

I may not a leader with great execution tenacity. One thing for sure: I strive to be a leader that brings clarity in life of those who cross their path with me. 

By the authority of Toastmasters International vested in me, mandate given by club members as President, guided by clarity leads to power, I hereby declare our meeting officially starts. 

10 October 2020
L2P1 Persuasive Influence

Presidential Speech 04: Be Bravely You

Presidential Speech 05: Road to Mastery

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Presidential Speech 05: Road to Mastery

Mastery is the function of practice. Whatever skills that we tried to learn, we practice repeatedly, it becomes a new habit of thoughts and performance. We all know this.

To become world class in anything, we must put in 10,000 hours of deliberate practice. That is 8 hours every day without fail for 3.5 years. Whether we want to master public speaking or getting rich, this is the price we need to pay. We all know this. 

For years, I have been searching for 'shortcut' to challenge these 'rules' of mastery. I found no answer to this. Until recently, a Taekwondo master shared his "4 Essence of Mastery" with me. Now, I share his wisdom with all of you here. 

"The First Heaven essence is 'Removal of mediocrity. It is simply willingness to be better than yesterday. It is simple as improvement of 1% each time we practice. Just like removing one speech crutch each time we speak. Or refrain from buying that one Starbucks so that we can channel our money to financial freedom. Yet, not many willing to practice this. Why? It is easier to give only 90%, 80% and fall back to comfort zone. Try practice 10,000 times with 80% effort. We will go nowhere. 

The Second Water essence is 'Remain open, remain receptive'. The truth is, there are masters who are better than us. To take ourselves to the next level, all we need to do is to remain open to new ways of practicing our field. Maybe we can adopt NLP into our speech. Maybe we can embrace digital marketing in our business. It will improve our effectiveness and open new opportunities. Yet, not many willing to practice this. Why? Because of our own ego has stopped us from being open and receptive. 

The Third Earth essence is 'Develop compassion for ourselves.' For countless times, we reprimanded ourselves in event of failure. "I should not have said this in my speech. I should not have invested money in share market..." Deep down, we feel we deserved to suffer because of our mistake. This will become our emotional block. Who does not make any mistake in road towards mastery? Instead, I invite you to consider mistakes are the evidence that you are on right track to mastery. Yet, not many willing to practice this. Why? Because it is easier to self-pity than self-compassion with responsibility. The former does not require any action. The later requires discipline of self-affirmation and determination to give it one more try. 

The Fourth Fire essence is 'Dismissal of resentment towards masters." This is refiner fire that burns our impurity towards mastery. We often hear these words: 'She is talented. It is easy for her to speak on stage.' Or 'Rich people are greedy. They get the money through unscrupulous means. They got projects because of 'cable'. It is because of this resentment we are not able to learn the best practices from masters. How can you learn from someone you resent? Yet, not many willing to practice this. Why? Because it is easy to envy than putting in hardwork, easy to criticize than be courageous to take actions. 

Alan, I believe these 4 Essence of Mastery will take your growth to your next level. Maybe it is a shortcut that you are looking for. Maybe it is not, as it requires more out of you."

As I ponder upon the words from the Taekwondo master, I realized that mechanical practice is not enough. It must be coupled with emotional mastery to reach our true potential. It requires us to look deep into the relationship with ourselves and others. The word "Master" means this person had made significant difference to himself and people around him. 

As Lao Tzu said: "Mastering others is strength. Mastering yourself is true power."

By the authority of Toasmaster International vested in me, mandate given by club members as President, guided by 4 Essence of Mastery, I hereby declare our meeting officially starts. 

1 September 2020. 
L1P2.2 Persuasive Influence

Presentation slide:

Presidential Speech 04: Be Bravely You


Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Presidential Speech 04: Be Bravely You

I had the privilege to attend "High Impact Presentation" training by Dale Carnegie October last year. Puan Mashitah, our trainer asked me: "How would you like to be known as speaker/presenter? Give me 3 words that you hope to be known for?"

"Authentic. Inspiring. Creative." I answered. 

"Great! It is very rare for me to hear people wants to be an authentic speaker. Why do you want to be an authentic speaker?"

"What is the point of communication if it is based on fake masks and hypocrisy? I want to make genuine connection with people around me."

"That's a very tall order, Alan."

"I think the most important thing in life is being true to yourself."

Yes. to be true to myself. What does it mean by being "authentic"? As I ponder upon it, I realized it is about developing my presence, my being. It is about aligning the person that I am when no one is looking at me with the person I am in front of people. It requires me to explore my naked truth.  It is about taking off layers upon layers of counterfeit self, layers of I have something to hide, something to protect, something to prove or something to defend. It is about finding that true self and communicate with my being, my essence as a person. 

It took me 20 years to take off the anger towards my parents. I was fighting an inner battle of being my best versus not worthy enough. I need to prove myself that I am worthy, I am good enough. I hid my family background, for I was afraid to be laughed at such "colorful" family origin. I had to defend my pride and ego as an academically superior, intellectual elite student whom is bitterly better than my father. That was my identity. I must protect myself from further hurt by erecting a wall against the people who wants to build a bridge to me. 

Nevertheless, along my short yet meaningful Toastmaster journey, I found my superpower in speech communication - authenticity. It up-level every single communication, every single speech that I delivered. It connects me with the right people around me like never before.  It is through my imperfection that made me whole and complete.

I begin to appreciate the gift of authenticity is the most brilliant, most beautiful act that me as a speaker, a friend can give. Yet, it is rarest form of gift I received, as it requires me, the speaker to take risks, celebrate myself out loud and be willing to forgive myself. 

It requires me, the speaker, to take off the strangling tie of perfection that is suffocating and accept my own imperfection. 

It requires me, the speaker, to take off the comfortable suit of pretense that everything is ok, the illusion of false security. 

It requires me, the speaker, to peel off the restricting shirt of expectation of who I am, instead of accepting who I really am. 

My fellow Toastmasters, beloved friends and respected guests. As we are going through our meeting tonight, I would like to invite you to a journey of discovering your true voice, a journey to be bravely you. 

Are you willing to rise above your wounds, your discomforts and your limitation and see them all as possibilities and share it with us here?

Are you willing to explore your naked truth, as a person, to find your voice and share it with us here? 

Are you willing to share with us the precious, rarest gift of authenticity, to take that risks and celebrate yourself on this stage with is here? 

If the answer is yes, take my hand. Come forward and claim the power of authenticity. The power to connect meaningfully. The power to your dream. The power that will change your life, for better. And be bravely you. 

As you grow and blossom, be bravely you. 

As you begin with the end in mind, be bravely you. 

As you get to know who you really are, be bravely you. 

By the authority of Toastmaster International vested in me, mandate given by club members as President, power of authenticity and courage to be bravely you, I hereby declare our meeting officially starts. 

18 August 2020. 
L1P2.1 Persuasive Influence

Presidential Speech 01: Grow and Blossom

Presidential Speech 02: Begin with the End in Mind

Presidential Speech 03: Who Am I