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Showing posts with label vision. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vision. Show all posts

Monday, May 3, 2021

Vision , Mission and Values

 Oh Feng Ming, Alan 


An orator who brings legacy of new possibilities, prosperity ad healing for his audience 


Empower audience to increase wholeness, choice and quality of life through the science and art of unparalleled storytelling and eloquent rhetoric 


Authentic - Self ware, full acceptance of myself. Willing to grow from mistakes, thoughtful and express emotions clearly and freely in a non-hostile manner. Accept other for who they are

Creative - Dare to try and fail, willing to be different and challenge status quo. Deliver values from unconventional perspective and techniques. Stimulate audience to think and act differently. 

Inspiring - Uplift energy and vibration for audience. Set example to pursue life happiness with courage. Listen attentively to inner voice for guidance.