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Showing posts with label dog is the best. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dog is the best. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Table Topic: Choose - A Dog or A Cat

Choose: A Dog or A Cat

It is a no brainer choice for me. I will definitely go for a dog.

I had a dog during my primary school days. Her name was Nancy. Actually I didn't like her, and I always bully her. Because I felt that she got more attention from my Dad, and I was the one being neglected. So, during my dad's absence, I will apply some medicated oil on her nose. That irritated her a lot. Nevertheless, she was a very loyal dog. She died when I was in Form 2. I still remembered the day when I bury her in the front yard of my house then.

Years went by. I met my sweetheart at university. She had a dog. Her dog's name was Bibi. The first time when I met him (her dog), he was absolutely hostile to me. But in order for me to get closer to my ex-girlfriend now wife, I had to get close to her dog. I had to "bribe" him with food, snacks and stroll at park. He was instrumental in providing emotional support to my wife. When I eldest son was born, I address him as "Grandpa Bibi". He passed away a week after my son eldest son full moon celebration.

To my wife, she will not want to go through the emotional turmoil of losing a pet dog again. But if I were to choose, the choice is clear. I will choose a dog again. There is no doubt about it.

Received the Best Table Topic Speaker ribbon from Kao Neng Yong, Incoming President of Siemens Malaysia Toastmasters Club.

Grandpa Bibi with a month old Matthew

Table Topic, Siemens Toastmasters Club, 28 May 2019