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Tuesday, July 23, 2019

TME: Fight or Flight

Have you ever swim in open water? 

Swimming in open water is one of the most liberating experience. You come face-to-face with your biggest fear: death. You are open to all the elements of nature which can throw your training out of window, if you do not manage your fear and anxiety well. 

The moment I'm in the water, one part of me screamed out: 

"Get out of there, else you will die!" 

"I'm drowning!"

"The wave is strong. You are going down!"

But yet another small and resilient voice whispered: 

"Give it a shot. You had enough training."

"Keep calm and just keep swimming."

"Your son is waiting for you at the finish line."

I chose to fight instead of flight. I won again. Thank you my old friend, fear. I made me stronger.

I learned that open water swimming experience doesn't have to be just the absence of fear but it can be an enjoyable, confidence-boosting part of my training and racing. Most importantly, I learn how to manage my fear and anxiety. 

Fear is an emotion that is biologically 'ingrained' for the very survival of Homo sapiens - flight or fight when intimidated or threatened. Fear is highly associated with risks - probability of loss. More often than not, fear is taught and pass down from one generation to another.

To overcome this animal - fear, we need our weaponry. Recognize that we all have fear. And accept that fact and face it. The battle is half won.
  1. Shield of inner peace. We need to be at peace with ourselves when facing fear. You know who you are, what you do and why you are here. The inner peace will silence the intimidating voice by fear, which often is loud and distracting our mind. With that, you are able to focus.
  2. Breastplate of courage. It is the mental strength to overcome fear. Be prepare to have face-to-face sessions with fear. It will protect your heart from being disheartened in event we failed in early attempts.
  3. Helm of knowledge. It allows you to creatively use all the resources you had to combat fear. This need to be accumulated by counseling the wise ones, reading and adapting their advice into your own practice.
  4. Claymore of determination. Persistent, never give up, just give it another try. This is the only active weapon that I can think of. The rest are passive armors. Many times, fear cannot be slain in one single attempt. But as we go along trying to do that, we will realize that the onslaughts of fear are dwarfed into manageable level.

In face of fear, just do it, anyway.

29 May 2019, Nielsen Malaysia Toastmasters Club

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