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Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Speech Marathon: Goodbye, and Welcome

Hello there! Great to see you all again! It is me, Alan Oh. I am back. 

Today is 15 December 2070. 

Yes, my mortal body expired last week. You all attended my farewell party. 

Yes, my mortal body was cremated. You all witnessed that. 

Yes, I was officially, medically, mortally declared dead last week, 8 December 2070, 10.33pm at the age of 79. 

I followed the light when I closed my eyes. A very beautiful lady welcomed me at the glorious Gate with her angelic medieval harp. She looked like Coco Ooi, President of PJ TMC. I forgotten which year was her term.  She had the aura of Queen Arwen, the most beautiful High Elves, lady of Rivendell and the Noble Maiden in Lord of the Ring. Her white arms and clear face were flawless and smooth, and the light of stars was in her bright eyes. 

"Your family and friends are waiting for you over the Gate. But you have one last task to finish. Come with me." She held my hand. 

Here I am, with a renewed, resurrected body. Perhaps there is no other better platform than Toastmasters meeting with my children to finish my final life task. 

Thank you so much for attending my farewell party. I listened to all the eulogies for me. It is very heartening to know I have touched your life in many ways that I never thought possible. I am not perfect, yet I am very blessed to have such a great life. Thank you for allowing me to plant a little seed of happiness in your life. 

To my dear children, my childhood and teenage years tasted like sourish bitter gourd. Ever since you, my son, Matthew Oh arrived, my life turned into dark chocolate. Bitter sweet, chalky and I find it to my liking. Then my only daughter, Hannah joined us. You tasted like unsweetened yoghurt, sourish yet added much to my life flavors. We are made complete with Jonathan, who tasted like durian - diced garlic and caramel poured into whipped cream. Your mother is the perfect rose. Beautiful and thorny, subtly sweet and protective. Without her, I cannot have you all. 

My son Matthew, remember that time when you were so disappointed when you failed in your next-of-AI business? You were so down then. You even doubted your own value. Yet, I am so proud that you have the courage that I do not have. Be strong and courageous, my son. My spirit will always be with you. 

My only girl Hannah, remember that time you were sobbing hysterically because you could not get into Ivy League college? Yet, over time, you proved Ivy League qualifications are overrated. I am so proud of you. Be confident, be bold and believe in yourself, my girl. My spirit will always be with you. 

My youngest son, Jonathan, boldly went through the ups and downs in life with tenacity and creativity. You refuse to admit failure, refuse to take "No" for answer. You explore your life at your own terms. I am so proud of you. Be humble and lift up the people around you, my son. My spirit will always be with you. 

I build my life on a single mission: to break our generation curse. My children Matthew, Hannah and Jonathan: Take good care of your spouse and my grandkid and grand grandkids. And take heart. For at the glorious Gate, I have a glimpse on our hundred generations to come. They are prosperous, strong and courageous. For that, by grace and mercy, I have completed my life mission. 

To my dear friends, who are here tonight for a reason that I yet to comprehend. 

The world can be unkind, but choose to be kind anyway. 

The world can be unfair, choose to make it better anyway. 

The world can be despair, choose to be joyful anyway. 

No matter what challenges lies ahead, you can finish strong. 

No matter how tired you are now, you can finish strong. 

No matter how much you doubt yourself, you can finish strong. 

Press toward the goal to win the prizes that are prepared for you, which are uncorrupted by time. 

Now, time has come for me to go for good. I have fought a good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Goodbye for now, and I look forward to welcoming you at the glorious Gate. 

I love you all x3000. 

Speech Marathon: 15 December 2020
Friendship Toastmasters Club 

Photo by Johannes Plenio on Unsplash

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